Traditionally the Bannock was made with animal fat, such as lard, or bacon grease. Then it was placed on a stone on top of a pile of embers to cook. Once blackened on both sides it was removed and served with a mixture of eggs and milk.
It can of course be cooked in the oven and instead of animal fat you can make it with butter if you prefer. For a vegan version, simply replace the fat with vegetable shortening.
1 1/2 cup oatmeal
1/8 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1 Tbs. lard or butter
1/2 cup hot water
Combine oatmeal, salt and baking soda in a bowl. Melt the butter, and drizzle it over the oats. Add the water, and stir the mix until it forms a stiff dough. Turn the dough out on a sheet of wax paper and knead thoroughly.
Separate the dough into two equal portions, and roll each one into a ball. Use a rolling pin to make a flat pancake that is about ¼" thick. Cook your oatcakes on a griddle over medium heat until they are golden brown. Cut each round into quarters to serve.
The energies of this dish will change slightly depending on what type of fat you choose to use. I've included the basic energies of pork, beef and butter here. Use whichever one you prefer.
Oats: Money, prosperity, abundance.
Salt: protection, banishing, exorcism
Hello I was wondering if I can use almond flour and olive oil as I am vegan and do not digest oats well. 🌞💖Happy Beltane!!
Jun 06, 2023
Hi Courtney;
Most of the energy in this dish will come from the Oatmeal, adding seasonings or spices to it will simply nudge the energies slightly. adding seasonings is a perfect way to add your own twist to the magic of any dish.
Vanilla: More of an airy energy, so this could amplify the fire a touch, not enough to be noticable, and will add comfort, love, beauty, mood, soothing, calming, clarity, trust, sweeten disposition
Cinnamon: Being considered fiery, cinnamon would blend perfectly with the energy surrounding this sabbat. And it would bring with it a hint of protection, prosperity, scrying, comfort, love, purification
Rosemary: another fire herb, so will blend in with the season perfectly. Beltane and Samhain are the two times of the year when the veil is thinnest and communication with those passed over is easiest. If you were planning on this, Rosemary with its energies of remembrance, memory, love, loyalty would be a wonderful addition.
Apr 29, 2020
If we wanted to add vanilla, cinnamon or herbs like rosemary and other types of seasoning would that change the intent or energies too much?
Apr 29, 2020
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