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Samhain Crafts for the Whole Family: DIY Witchy Projects to Celebrate the Season

Samhain, the ancient Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter, is a time rich with magic and mystery. For those who embrace witchy practices and spiritual growth, it’s a perfect opportunity to connect with loved ones, celebrate the turning of the seasons, and infuse your home with the magic of the season. One of the most enchanting ways to do this is through crafting. Creating your own Samhain decorations, charms, and keepsakes can be a powerful, hands-on way to honor this sacred time while involving the whole family in the fun.

In this blog post, we'll explore several kid-friendly craft ideas that are not only engaging and meaningful but also align with the values of authenticity, spiritual growth, and new beginnings. These projects will help you celebrate Samhain in a way that’s both creative and spiritually fulfilling, bringing a bit of that mystical autumn magic right into your home.

DIY Leaf Lanterns: Illuminating the Path to the Spirit World

What You’ll Need:

  • Mason jars or glass votives
  • Leaves (real or faux)
  • Mod Podge or clear-drying glue
  • Paintbrushes
  • Tea lights (battery-operated for safety)


Samhain is known as a time when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, making it a perfect time to honor your ancestors and connect with the spirit world. These DIY leaf lanterns are a beautiful way to symbolize this connection. Start by collecting colorful autumn leaves with your family during a nature walk. Press the leaves between the pages of a heavy book for a few days to flatten them. Once ready, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge or glue to the outside of a mason jar. Gently press the leaves onto the jar, arranging them in a pattern that feels meaningful to you. Once the leaves are in place, brush another layer of Mod Podge over them to seal and protect. Allow to dry completely. Place a tea light inside and light it as a symbol of illumination and guidance for your spiritual journey.

Witchy Herb Sachets: Bringing Protection and Prosperity into Your Home

What You’ll Need:

  • Small fabric squares (5x5 inches)
  • Dried herbs (such as rosemary, sage, lavender, or chamomile)
  • Ribbon or twine
  • Scissors


Herbs have been used for centuries in magical practices for their healing and protective properties. This simple craft allows you to create your own herbal sachets to hang around the house or place under your pillow for sweet dreams. Begin by placing a small handful of dried herbs in the center of a fabric square. Gather the corners of the fabric together and secure them with a ribbon or twine, creating a small pouch. As you tie the ribbon, encourage your children to speak or think of a specific intention—whether it’s protection, peace, or prosperity. These sachets can be placed in different areas of the home to invite the energy of the herbs into your living space.

Mini Pumpkin Spell Candles: Crafting with Intention

What You’ll Need:

  • Mini pumpkins
  • Soy or beeswax candles (tealight size)
  • A small knife (adult use only)
  • Herbs and crystals (optional)


Pumpkins are iconic symbols of Samhain and the autumn season. To create these mini pumpkin spell candles, start by carefully cutting a small hole at the top of each pumpkin, just big enough to fit a tealight candle. Scoop out a little of the pumpkin’s insides to make room for the candle. Before placing the candle inside, consider adding a pinch of herbs or a small crystal to enhance the energy of the spell. As you light the candle, focus on a specific intention—whether it’s gratitude for the harvest, a desire for clarity, or protection for your family.

Ancestor Memory Stones: Honoring Those Who Came Before Us

What You’ll Need:

  • Smooth, flat stones (collected from nature or purchased)
  • Acrylic paint or paint pens
  • Clear varnish spray (optional)


Samhain is a time to honor our ancestors and remember those who have passed on. Creating memory stones is a wonderful way for the whole family to connect with this tradition. Begin by gathering smooth stones during a nature walk. Clean the stones and allow them to dry. Using acrylic paint or paint pens, decorate each stone with symbols, names, or words that remind you of your loved ones or ancestral heritage. You can even paint simple images that represent their interests or personalities. Once the paint is dry, seal the stones with a coat of clear varnish to protect them. Place these stones on your Samhain altar or in a special area of your home to honor the presence of your ancestors.

Nature Collage Wreaths: Celebrating the Harvest Season

What You’ll Need:

  • A paper plate or cardboard ring (for the wreath base)
  • Autumn leaves, twigs, acorns, pinecones, and other natural materials
  • Calendula Flowers 
  • Glue or a hot glue gun (adult supervision required)
  • Ribbon for hanging


A nature collage wreath is a fantastic way to celebrate the abundance of the season while connecting with the Earth. Begin by cutting out the center of a paper plate or a cardboard ring to create the base of your wreath. Go on a nature walk with your family to collect a variety of autumn treasures like leaves, twigs, acorns, and pinecones. You could even add some vibrant yellow dried Calendula Flowers for peaceful energy. Arrange the items around the base and glue them in place. This project is a great way to teach children about the cycles of nature and the importance of honoring the Earth’s gifts. Hang your wreath on your front door or a wall inside your home as a reminder of the season’s magic.

Embrace the Magic of Samhain with Your Family

Crafting together is more than just a fun activity; it’s a way to connect on a deeper level with your family, the Earth, and the energies of the season. Each project is an opportunity to set intentions, honor your roots, and bring the magic of Samhain into your home. Remember, the most powerful magic comes from the heart, so let these crafts be an expression of your family’s unique spirit and creativity. As you celebrate the season, may your home be filled with love, light, and the wisdom of the ancestors.

Happy crafting, and blessed Samhain!




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