So, a couple of weeks ago I had a hankering for lasagna. I tend to like to follow my urges, even if it does mean consuming vast amounts of tasty tasty pasta. This brought up the first hurdle. It went something like this: Husband: Lasagna? Awesome. I love it, we'll...
Posts tagged: Kitchen Witch
Magical Meals - Cornish Pasty
One of my earliest memories is being in the kitchen with my grandmother as she was baking. She grew up on a farm, so what she cooked was very much no nonsense, tasty and filling. A lot of that is reflected in what i tend to cook now days. I...
Magical Meals - Sauteed Broccoli and Zucchini Casserole
by Lisa This time of year I always start really craving green vegetables. I think because spring is trying to break through the cold and part of me knows without a doubt that fresh spring greens are SO close. Anyway, that craving hit the other night, but it was way...
Magickal Meals: Home Made Pasta Sauce
Many years ago I was gifted a hand written cook book by an older Kitchen Witch. This has become my prize possession and has followed me in all my moves and travels, usually carefully packed right where I can see it! This spaghetti sauce recipe is a firm favorite and...