New Moon: Saturday August 11, 2018, 5:59AM Eastern The Moon moves through its many phases over a 28-day cycle and symbolizes change for many people. In some cultures, it represents the birth, life, death and rebirth cycle. In other cultures, the Moon is worshiped for the way it influences life on Earth. The phases of...
Posts tagged: dark moon
Myrrh resin is the ultimate scent of the Element of Water. Myrrh was used by the Ancient Egyptians in their embalming process and for ritual fumigations in many different ancient cultures. The resin is obtained by allowing the sap to drip out of the bush, so it is not endangered...
Wheel of the Year: Mabon/Autumn Equinox
Aaaahhhhh……Autumn, my favorite time of year. The days are beginning to grow shorter; the weather is crisp and cool, reminding us of the coming winter. But before the frost sets in, we have time to enjoy the splendor of Nature with her red and golden leaves, bright orange pumpkins and...