We are all used to battening down the hatches when Mercury goes retrograde. Everything seems to turn topsy turvy, communication is difficult, things break, weβre warned not to sign contracts, etc. etc. But what does it mean when Venus goes retrograde? July 25th, we find out. What is a retrograde...
Posts tagged: metaphysical
Becoming the Wheel: Beltane
Beltane, May 1st. The midpoint between the Spring equinox when everything is in balance, and the summer solstice, when growth is at its peak. Beltane is the beginning of that period of explosive growth, the time to plant what was planned at the Equinox. We all know about the big...
Spring Cleaning
Itβs that glorious time of year when it's finally warm enough to open the windows, but not so hot that we need to close them tight and turn on the Air Conditioning. The time of year when many of us revel in the sheer joy of a fresh breeze wafting...
Manifesting Abundance
Gratitude, it is a simple word and one that the spiritual community uses over and over. Gratitude is the key to so much in life; when we want to change the energy around a situation, we look for things to be grateful for. When we want to complete a healing...
Magickal Meals - Comfort Food Meatloaf
You know how sometimes you have those days when you just want comfort food? Sure, having it be as healthy as possible is always preferable, but comfort food it must be. And it needs to be easy and not require a dozen exotic ingredients.I had one of those moments not...