We are all used to battening down the hatches when Mercury goes retrograde. Everything seems to turn topsy turvy, communication is difficult, things break, we’re warned not to sign contracts, etc. etc. But what does it mean when Venus goes retrograde? July 25th, we find out. What is a retrograde...
Posts tagged: Emotional Balance
Libra Full Moon - It's all about balance.
The astrological year begins on March 21st as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries signaling the beginning of another cycle of the Zodiac. The full moon that follows, with the moon in Libra balancing the fire of Aries signals to us that right now is the perfect time...
Becoming the Wheel: Ostara
When we are aware of the energy that moves around us, we begin to naturally pattern our lives with the cycles that it moves in. We become more aware of the points in the cycle that mark beginnings and ends, highs and lows. One of the first things...
The Truth about Self-Healing
We talk a lot about processing and healing deep traumas, and dealing with the cycles of negative actions and reactions in which they trap us. Every article on healing that we read seems to sterilize the process, making it neat and clean. It's not. Healing is often messy, it’s loud,...
Why Shadow Work
All this talk of shadow work begs the somewhat obvious question, “What is shadow work?” Quickly followed by “Why would I want to do Shadow Work?” For as long as there have been humans, people have been questing to better themselves. On a spiritual level this has taken many different...