Spring is a time of new growth, abundance, and healing. A time of setting plans in motion and beginning to manifest what we want to see in our lives. Along with that manifesting comes reaching for the tools that empower us and enable us to do this work. One tool...
Posts tagged: Spring Equinox
Becoming the Wheel: Imbolc
The eight traditional sabbats (pagan holidays) mark the turning of the Wheel of the Year, allowing us to honor the passing of time with emphasis on seasonal change. Often though, more importance is placed on honoring the big picture, not the smaller, more personal human experience. We overlook the significance...
Fire Gods & Goddesses of Beltane
Beltane, the wonderful Fire Festival that falls at the start of Summer, or at the mid point of Spring (depending on what you feel the festival that falls smack in the middle of the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice is. For me, with the tradition I was trained in,...
Magickal Meals - Scotch Eggs
As Ostara rolls around again many of us are in the firm grip of spring fever. If you are anything like me you are constantly looking out the window waiting for it to be fine enough, warm enough to start tidying that yard! to get your hands back in the...